About School
Established in year 2021, Eklavya Model Residential School Chicholi is located in Rural area of Madhya Pradesh of India. In
Chicholi area of Betul block of Madhya Pradesh District. Area pincode is 460330.
School is providing Higher Secondary level education and is being managed by Department of Education..
Medium of instruction is Hindi & English language and School is Co-educational .
Currently schools is being guided by principal/head teacher Sh. JUNG BAHADUR
School is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for Higher Secondary level.
An Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) is a government-run school in India that provides quality education to students from Scheduled Tribes (ST) in remote areas. The schools were established in 1997–98 by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to help tribal students access education and participate in professional courses.
Here are some features of EMRS schools:
Education EMRS schools offer upper primary, secondary, and senior secondary education from grades VI to XII.
Facilities EMRS schools have facilities for sports training, skill development, and preserving local art and culture.
Capacity EMRS school can accommodate up to 480 students.
Management The National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) is an autonomous organization that manages and implements the EMRS scheme.
- Education: Free education from Class VI to XII for students from the ST category
- Boarding: Separate hostels for boys and girls, with accommodation for teachers
- Academic facilities: Science and computer labs, libraries, and qualified faculty
- Sports: Sports facilities, including a volleyball ground, basketball court, and table tennis
- Extracurricular activities: Career counseling and coaching for competitive exams, educational and historical visits, and compulsory games and sports
- Mess: Mess facility
- Medical facilities: Medical facilities
- Rent-free accommodation: Rent-free accommodation for teaching and non-teaching staff
- To know more about school click this link:- EMRS